Mary Om Rose

Speaker, Poet, Performer
Writer in service of the new paradigm of birth and motherhood


Here comes my book "Birth like a Queen, no matter where you are!" It is a short, sweet, juicy, and a damn womb wise little guide on harnessing your mental, emotional, psychological powers to manifest the conception, pregnancy, birth and motherhood journey of your desire. It is a book that reminds you that you are the operant power of your reality, and that there is literally nothing you can't bend to meet your desires. Yes, even when it comes to birth and motherhood. By deprogramming the assumptions we have accepted as truth, and rewriting the story to fit our needs, we are able to shift the way we experience birth, not as a threat, but as an opportunity, and motherhood not as a burden but as a spiritual journey.

Birth Like a Queen


Entertain and educate yourself about the magnificent power of birth and motherhood with our life changing musical





Magic, or bringing back the sacredness of birth and motherhood into earth!

Did you know that entertainment etymologically means "enter to control the mind"? When I read about that something clicked! Everything we watch and listen to controls the way we think and see the world around us as well as ourselves!

And through entertainment we can also spread the good news, that which is beneficial, that which enables the audience to feel inspired, empowered, free to have their own ideas about what they believe to be true!

My mission is to change the way our minds were controlled about Sex, Birth and Parenting and question the ways we have been programmed. By questioning, new answers emerge and enable us to make decisions that come from a place of power where our wisdom meets knowledge, where our spirit meets our mind. Here is the key to change the way we make love, gestate, birth, and parent ourselves and our children.